ID: Residential Code Review (201029)
Additional course information:
- In Washington State, a trainee can only get credit on their license by taking classroom courses.
- Course credit cannot be given if a course is completed a second time in the same customer renewal cycle. Credit is only once per renewal cycle.
- Please see our useful links tab for links to information on license renewal and code rules.
Learn the software in 56 Seconds!
Please Note:
- Please only hit the Finish Button when you are completely finished with the course and you would like it to be graded for credit and completion.
- Please do not leave your computer on for an extended period of time, save your work and log off when you are done working, a couple of folks have lost their progress.
Watch out for power outages, or the computer timing out, please save your work often and log out.
Be careful if your computer goes to sleep or has a screen saver, use the mouse to wake it up, there have been a couple of issues with laptops with this.
- There is no time limit on course questions or on the course itself. Take as much time as you need.
- A minimum score of 75% is required to pass each question group and receive credit.
- Contact information is always available in the sidebar if you need support.
- Remember to save your progress before exiting the questions or going back.